Tuesday, July 29, 2008

TP, Wap and Washed Windows

what was I going to write ?? umm shoot forgot anyway I worked out the phone its got an icon thingy I click on that and it takes me to the WAP thingy I can then sign in to emails and stuff
but one problem the dang phone has auto complete I type (well mobile phone type) M which is fine then go to type an "i" but it does put an i? no it does not it puts Miierinda or something flip knows I know it took me 1/2 an hour to type my name out every time I pressed a letter 3 times it made words on me instead which I had to delete
Don't worry I didn't do that while I was in the WAP thing ..only used 95cents of my credit so far and wasn't using up a whole $20 typing my name , anyway have to work out how to turn off the auto complete on it, its a bloomin nuisance if I want to compose the word Missy its press 6 once, 4 three times, 7 eight times and 9 three times
I can TXT faster that way rather than it "thinking" what words I want I can do them myself faster
So still haven't been able to email from the phone .. could get stuff for it I spose maybe a Guns n Roses ring tone ? anything would be better than that stupid ones that are loaded on it rap cr*ap whoops did I type an a there I did didn't I oh well LoL

What the heck was the other thing? Ummm I washed windows today can see out now, don't think that was it though that's pretty boring apart from the fact that I had to do them with TP because I didn't have newspaper ..who buys newspapers nowadays? Anyway didn't have any and I'm looking at this terrible cheap TP and I thought well its paper isn't it ..shut up with the laughing( I know you are don't deny it) it worked thank you very much

Speaking of the TP this batch is terrible you heard the saying "thin as TP" well this fits it no kidding you have to use twice as much because its so thin, silly thing is right it's cheap BUT because we are using twice as much it's not saving a dang thing ..not getting that agian

Thursday, July 24, 2008

on a go slow ..and how do you use this thing??

Having a hard time opening pages at the moment , our internet is on a go slow
used it all up I think and have to wait till the end of the month til it comes back fast again when is that next week I think
anyway bit slow at the moment and it ain't me

In other news I've got a new mobile phone ..its a metallic pink Motorola got a camera on it and it does other things as well ..hasn't rung yet then again this is me, my phone never rings the house phone does but my mobile doesn't
have to work out how to get pics from the mobile onto here ..or somewhere no idea how you upload the things onto a place like here no idea how to get them onto the comp either oh well
and no I don't have a book for it ..its new one for me but its a 2nd hand one about 2 years old
got given one before exactly the same had the charger but it didn't work was my nieces and her son had thrown it in the bath, this one that works which didn't have a charger or a book is from the nephews girlfriend ..confused yet ?
Two phones both exactly the same and I've ended up with one that works ..can even charge it up and it has flashing lights and makes noises kinda neat
Now all I want is a new battery for the "antique" Nokia brick love that one it doesn't do photos doesn't do Mp3's it's just cool and as big as my handbag won't loose that one in a hurry LoL

So how do you do things on one of these fancy phones never had one before and seeing as my pages are slow as a wet week may as well learn how to use the dang thing even if it never rings ..flip me if my phone rings I jump out of my skin wondering what the noise is
I'm serious about not knowing here btw ...tell me how do you do email and stuff like that on one of these phones???

and if you know my number it's the same ..same number just "new" phone is all
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